Lot 4&6-35A Cherry Drive, Cherry
Gardens, Jamaica
This residence is part of Kingston’s new gated communities,
located on two(2) lots within the development. Oriented to
maintain maximum privacy for the owner, the building screens
the private areas of the unit from the public’s viewing.
The pool and deck has been placed on the southern side of
the property, allowing the verandas on the ground and first
floors to provide protection to rooms beyond from the southern
The more private spaces of the house enjoys views to the pool
and adjacent garden areas.
At the centre of this building is the staircase from which
most rooms in the house are immediately accessible. This promotes
a more efficient use of space within a compacted design.
The materials used to construct the building-
Concrete block with reinforced concrete slabs, roof framed
timber finished with concrete roof tiles-together provide
the building with a distinctive image.